Friday, June 29, 2007
12:31 AM
Once again, on MSN:
Weiwen says: I WANT TO ASK IMPT QN
Yao Rong says: it when u wanna marry hanern...we can be ur wedding planners!!!
Weiwen says: *pukes blood*
Yao Rong says: a
Yao Rong says: b
Yao Rong says: c
Yao Rong says: d
Yao Rong says: e
Yao Rong says: f
Yao Rong says: g
Yao Rong says:h
Yao Rong says:i
Yao Rong says:j
Yao Rong says:k
Yao Rong says:l
Yao Rong says:m
Yao Rong says:n
Yao Rong says:o
Yao Rong says:p
Yao Rong says:q
Yao Rong says:r
Yao Rong says:s
Yao Rong says:t
Yao Rong says:u
Yao Rong says:v
Yao Rong says:w
Weiwen says: yaorong is at it again
Yao Rong says:x
Yao Rong says:y
Yao Rong says:z
Weiwen says: common test over
Weiwen says: he siao again
Yao Rong says: dont interrupt my song plz
Yao Rong says: now must start again!!!
Yao Rong says: a
Yao Rong says: b
Yao Rong says: c
Yao Rong says: d
Yao Rong says: e
Yao Rong says: f
Yao Rong says: g
Yao Rong says:h
Yao Rong says:i
Yao Rong says:j
Yao Rong says:k
Yao Rong says:l
Yao Rong says:m
Yao Rong says:n
Yao Rong says:o
Yao Rong says:p
Yao Rong says:q
Yao Rong says:r
Yao Rong says:s
Yao Rong says:t
Yao Rong says:u
Yao Rong says:v
Yao Rong says:w
Yao Rong says:x
Yao Rong says:y
Yao Rong says:z
Yao Rong says:now
Yao Rong says:i
Yao Rong says: know
Yao Rong says: my
Yao Rong says: a
Yao Rong says: b
Yao Rong says: c
Yao Rong says: next
Yao Rong says: time
Yao Rong says: wont
Yao Rong says: you
Yao Rong says: sing
Yao Rong says: with
Yao Rong says: me?
Yao Rong says: !!
Yao Rong says: yaya
Yao Rong says: i finished!!
Yao Rong says: *SMILES*
Yao Rong says: hehe...oh yah...n dont post on class blog hor!!!
Yao Rong says: confidential!
Yao Rong says: my song to the terra hat
Yao Rong says: la la la la la la la la elmo's world!!!
Yao Rong says: i luv u
Yao Rong says: u luv me
Yao Rong says: we r one big family
Yao Rong says: with a great big hug
Yao Rong says: n a kiss from me to u
Yao Rong says: !!!
Weiwen says: rong rong
Yao Rong says: lalalalalallala(forgotten the lyrics)
Yao Rong says: i luv u house cup!!
Yao Rong says: will u be mine oh mine
Yao Rong says: oh house cup house cup
Weiwen says: siao liao
Yao Rong says: oh wont u just be mine!!!
Weiwen says: rong rong needs to eat his medication
Yao Rong says: oh yah weiwen...forgot to ask u smthg real important!!!
Yao Rong says: r u in luv with han ern??
Yao Rong says: AHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!
Weiwen says: marcus, we need to take him to e doc
Weiwen says: he needs to go for a full brain check up
posted by Marcus
12:12 AM
(scroll down)
-sniffs the air!-
-does a little jingle!-
posted by opy
Friday, June 22, 2007
2:51 PM
boo! aunty goh! ive got the answer.
the german rears fishes.
i want my prize! :]
posted by levon
Thursday, June 21, 2007
11:58 PM
oh my god
i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are. the olny iprmaotnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. the rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. amzanig huh? yaeh, and i awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.
ok.i will give a small prize to anyone who can solve this. seriously.
There are five houses in a row and in five different colors. In each house lives a person from a different country. Each person drinks a certain drink, plays a certain sport and keeps a certain pet. No two people drink the same drink, play the same sport, or keep the same pet.
•The Brit lives in red house
•The Swede keeps dogs
•The Dane drinks tea
•The green house is on the left of the white house
•The green house owner drinks coffee
•The person who plays polo rears birds
•The owner of the yellow house plays hockey
•The man living in the house right in the centre drinks milk
•The Norwegian lives in the first house
•The man who plays baseball lives next to the man who keeps cats
•The man who keeps horses lives next to the one who plays hockey
•The man who plays billiards drinks beer
•The German plays soccer
•The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
•The man who plays baseball has a neighbor who drinks water
Who owns the fish?
posted by Morpheus
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
12:02 AM
a little update on what we are going to have this week.
for those whose handphone is spoilt / confiscated or its batteries have gone flat / missing etc. and are unable to receive my message, please take note that there is a Maths Revision Lesson on 21 June 2007, Thursday, 9am to 4pm in the AVA Room. Please bring along your Holiday Revision Package (which I have barely started) and the Tangents and Normals Tutorials. And also please bring yourself along and dont leave yourself at home to mug.
Next, a reminder. I know many people are not planning to go for the Class CIP on the 23 June 2007, Saturday, 8am to 1pm at the Salvation Army, Praisehaven, 500 Upper Bukit Timah Road (please wear official Terra Tee) due to mugging committments at home. Erm. I'm not asking you not to mug. hahax. But please turn up for the CIP. hahax. Can bond as a class. lol.
ok. happy mugging! and for those who dont know / never realise, COMMON TESTS STARTS NEXT WEEK!
and Yao Rong, please stop sending me weird messages. hahax.
and Physics VA is due on the 1st day of Term 3. Those who have not started, please remember to start NOW! have fun!posted by Marcus
Monday, June 18, 2007
9:37 PM
Hi 07s05ers, having a night mugging session inside your closet? Take a rest and see the photos of the external hunt back in our PAE period. Seriously, I hate uploading photos and this thing is freaking restricting the no. of photos!!! But dun worry about the technical problem, cos everything will just appear invisible and woohoo, back to mugging!!!posted by Quastenflosser
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
4:25 PM
because this thing is dying, i bring you people news!
below is a photo of a very disgusting weiwen trying to uh, LICK the very disgusted jialin on our way to the closing ceremony of sisc at np. super funny lah! :D
posted by opy
Saturday, June 9, 2007
5:43 PM
yayy! i have successfully changed our blog layout. :D
hmm, any comments/objections please tag. thanks.
loves. and happy mugging! :)
posted by levon